The Urban Non-Profit Company NOVUS Theatre Ensemble was founded in January 2021 by its members, Yiannis Panagopoulos, Zoe Mylonas and Demosthenes Klimenof after their need to implement the common, dual nature of their studies and occupations, that of the artist and the graduate of social and humanities studies.
Zoe Mylona is also an actor and director in the field of theater, with studies in social sciences and experimental multimedia application at Emerson College in Boston.
Finally, Demosthenes Klimenof , set & costume designer and performer, completes his studies in the Department of Social Anthropology at Panteion University. The members of the group are active in the field of performing arts with sensitivity to social and humanitarian issues.
Already before the establishment of the NOVUS company, its three founding members had collaborated in the field of theater repeatedly with success in productions and programs such as:
“Thucydides Dramaticus: The Theater of War” (2016-2017),
“Brief Interviews with Hideous Men” by David Foster Wallace (2017),
“. ..Et Moralite” by Octave Mirbeau at Kefallinias Theatre (2018),
“Blue Liquid or The sky doesn’t look so good from Solonos” at the Experimental Stage -1 of the National Theatre of Greece (2019) etc..
The three of them officially set up NOVUS Theatre Ensemble with the aim of the interdisciplinary approach to the social application of the performing and visual arts, the empowerment of social groups, as well as the effort for artistic decentralization, through the networking of artists from the region and abroad.